Adult Martial Arts

Ed Rose's Martial Arts Academy Adult Martial Arts

Fitness & Weight Loss

Imagine the possibility of burning up to 800 calories in one session. No more clothes you can’t squeeze into. Make your friends keep up with you for a change! You just cannot get this experience in a gym or trying to work out on your own. Our instructors are highly trained, focused, professional martial artists who mentor and guide you through this dynamic journey of transformation. Through this special relationship, adults learn valuable self-protection skills, and greater mental strength. The warrior tradition comes alive in a safe, controlled environment that challenges each individual in every class.

Self Defense

Martial Arts at Ed Rose’s Martial Arts Academy in Ft. Oglethorpe is also a great atmosphere to be in where you can succeed, gain self-esteem, and learn to never give up. We give you the skills you need to feel confident in your ability to defend yourself against any threat. We practice and practice to ensure that your muscles and body remember how to defend and counter any aggressor.

Ed Rose's Martial Arts Academy Adult Martial Arts

Confidence Building

Ed Rose’s Martial Arts Academy is dedicated to empowering you with the confidence and self-esteem needed to succeed in everyday life. Martial Arts can bring out the positive qualities that have always been a part of you, whether that is inner calm, positive mental attitude, patience, or self-discipline. Martial Arts training will help you overcome fear, anger and self-doubt, and leave you feeling confident in any situation.



In Martial Arts training, students are taught how to help each other out in class. Whether that be to help hold boards to break or targets for you to kick even to being sparring partners. By creating a bond of trust and reciprocation, you and your sparring partner can then practice various kicking combinations on each other and see how to make things work. Members at Ed Rose’s Martial Arts Academy have become close friends and help each other reach their goals.


Contact Us Today!

Let us know your goals and we will reach out soon to discuss how we can help you meet them!

Ed Rose's Martial Arts Academy Contact Us Today!